FIDE 100 Years

The International Chess Federation (FIDE) is thrilled to announce an exciting art contest dedicated to celebrating International Chess Day on July 20th.

This year, in conjunction with the festivities, we are aiming to set a Guinness World Record attempt for the most chess games played within 24 hours, both online and over-the-board, with licensed arbiters present.

To commemorate this historic event, we invite artists from around the globe to participate in our art contest by creating captivating posters that inspire communities to join us in this remarkable celebration of chess. As this year we are celebrating the Centenary of the International Chess Federation, we are also inviting creative works with the theme “FIDE 100”.


Contest Categories:
  • AI Artwork: This category is open to submissions created using artificial intelligence (AI) tools or algorithms.
  • Traditional Artwork: This category is open to submissions created by traditional means, such as drawing or painting.
Theme 1:
Artwork submissions should focus on promoting and encouraging communities to participate in the Guinness World Record attempt for the most chess games played within 24 hours, emphasizing the excitement and universality of chess as a game that brings people together.
Theme 2:
Artworks should be created to reflect some of the important chess events that happened in the last 100 years. The artist must reflect about FIDE’s influence in the shaping of the world of chess since 1924.
  • The contest is open to artists of all ages and skill levels worldwide.
  • Participants may enter in one or both categories.
  • All submissions must be original works created specifically for this contest.
Submission Guidelines:
  • Artwork resolution should be minimum 5 megapixels, and ideally around 15 megapixels with a file size of less than 10MB.
  • Submissions must be in raster image file format (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF)
  • For Traditional Artwork category: Submissions must be scanned or photographed and submitted in an image file format desribed above.
  • Each participant may submit only one entry per category.
Content Guidelines:
  • Designs should be visually striking and easily understandable, with a clear message encouraging participation.
  • Any text included in the artwork must be in English.
  • Theme 1: artwork should incorporate the theme of the contest and prominently feature the date (July 20th) and the event details.
Submission Process:
  • Participants must submit their entries via the [application website] and fill in the application form there.
The deadline for submissions is July 10th.
Judging Criteria:
  • Creativity and originality;
  • Relevance to the theme;
  • Visual impact and aesthetics;
  • Overall composition and design.
  • Winners will be announced during Chess Olympiad in Budapest.
  • Winners will receive a special apreciation certificate from FIDE President;
  • Cash prizes will be awarded for the three best artworks. 1st place: 8002nd place: 500, 3rd place: 300.
  • Winning artworks will be printed and displayed at the venue of the Olympiad.
By participating in this contest, artists grant FIDE the right to reproduce, distribute, and display their artwork for promotional purposes related to the International Chess Day celebration, the Guinness World Record attempt, and FIDE 100 Centenary.
Join us in commemorating International Chess Day and and FIDE 100 Centenary in style and helping us make history in the world of chess! We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations of this momentous occasion.

Please submit your Artwork